Thank you for stopping by. I have been making dolls and fairies for many years now - each one is totally individual and I aim to imbue a sense of magic in each one I create. I often use my own plant dyed fabrics but I also have a large collection of rich and sparkly ribbons, fabrics and trimmings for my enchanted fairies and mermaids. I work from a small studio in my cottage garden where the flowers around me are collected and dried and always an inspiration. Sometimes the dolls come to visit my 500 year old cottage to be photographed before they are sent out to their new homes. I do hope you find a doll to take to your heart and maybe hand down to the the next generation in your family - we need more magic in this world ! 

Please email me at if you would like to buy - sometimes only one postage fee for multiples if they are small and you can pay via Paypal quoting this email. Thank you.


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